Real time wallboards and historical CDR based Precence Reporting for Skype for Business
Skype for Business Precence Reporting

MAF ICIMS™ Skype for Business Presence reporting gives your detailed employee and agent presence information through reports and graphs. MAF ICIMS™ Skype for Business Presence Reporting shows you real-time overview of Agent Presence information (MAF ICIMS™ CC needed) and historical detailed Employee and Agent Presence information throughout the day, as well as summarized and charted Presence information.
What is Precence Information?
Presence information shows if and when individual users and/or response group agents are logged in, logged out and their status like online, busy, on call, do not disturb etc.
Skype for Business Precence Reporting
The Skype for Business Presence Reporting feature in MAF ICIMS™ provides you extensive reporting on Presence status, summarized and charted. They show you in depth the login and logout times, the Online, On Call and Do Not Disturb durations.

Presence Chart in reports
The Presence charts in the reports show you the login and logout times, the Online, On Call and Do Not Disturb durations.
Summarized and Detailed Presence Information
MAF ICIMS™ Skype for Business Presence Reporting shows you detailed in depth Presence information throughout the day as well as Summarized and charted Presence information.
The detailed Presence Reporting shows you the throughout the days for each presence status the time of the presence status and duration of the presence status.
Presence real-time wallboards
If you need real-time Presence reporting we also provide real-time wallboards. It shows real-time view of agent performance: active calls, calls waiting in queue, avg. queue time, longest call waiting, available agents, answered calls, dropped calls, % answered, avg. call duration, avg. queue time. Take a look at our page Skype for Business Response Group Real Time Wallboards for all information about this feature.
Information & Contact
Questions about Skype for Business Precence Reporting?
Call us at +3172-8200205 or mail at our salesteam is ready for you.